409 Cumberland Avenue
Portland, Maine
A collaboration with Avesta Housing in developing a 57 unit mixed income housing project located on a compact urban infill site located in two zoning districts. The challenges included obtaining a zone change, addressing the significant grade change, and accommodating on-site parking. Integrating semi public spaces, to meet the city of Portland's "Defensible Spaces" required a thoughtful approach to design such spaces without creating an image of a secured space. Our role took the project from permitting through construction administration.
Architect: CWS Architects

Bayside Village
Portland, Maine
A 100 unit private student housing development was part of a multi-use project along Marginal Way in Portland's Bayside Neighborhood. The challenges included fitting the building program to the site, integrating a potential platform for the Amtrak Downeaster along I-295, and future plans for the Narrow Gauge Railroad along Marginal Way.
To meet city open space requirements, a green roof was designed above the ground level parking. Challenges included addressing maximum load allowances, and selection of a plant material that would meet green roof standards. Services included obtaining local permitting, and design through construction administration.
Architect: CWS Architects
Florence House
Portland, Maine
A collaboration with Avesta Housing in developing Florence House, a residential facility for homeless women.
Architect: Gawron Turgeon Architects