Bramhall Square
Portland, Maine

The Bramhall Square Redesign Project is an ongoing design process to reimagine Bramhall Square, located at the corner of Congress Street and Deering Avenue in the Parkside neighborhood. The current park is tired and underutilized, and presents numerous accessibility challenges. The seating provided is difficult to access, and brick pavers have become damaged and uneven. Since 2011, neighbors of Bramhall Square have been working to revitalize Bramhall Square, and since then, artistic lighting has been added, and a design competition took place in 2017 to imagine new designs for Bramhall Square.
In 2019, the City initiated a design process to achieve a final design for Bramhall Square. Using the 2017 design competition and community feedback as a starting point, the City’s consultants, Mitchell & Associates, are developing possible concepts for the square and a final design will be honed in preparation for construction.
The Lockwood Hotel
Waterville, Maine

The Lockwood Hotel Working with Baskervill Architects and drawing on the heritage of this historic city in the heart of Maine, The Lockwood Hotel — aptly named for the namesake of nearby landmark Lockwood Mills, home to the city’s deep tradition of textile manufacturing — is a nod to Waterville’s history of innovation and reinvention. The modern boutique property includes 53 rooms and suites, meeting rooms, fitness facilities, and Front & Main, a full-service bar and restaurant with a focus on ingredients from Maine farmers and harvesters. A limestone façade ties the building into the existing adjacent architecture along Main Street, and celebrates the significance of the material in Maine’s historic and civic buildings. A seasonal patio adjoining Front & Main will tie into a neighboring public park and other outdoor spaces and restaurants, reinforcing owner Colby College’s commitment to revitalization of the entire downtown corridor.

Shore Road Pathway
Cape Elizabeth, Maine
The two mile segment of Shore Road connects Fort Williams Park with Cape Elizabeth’s town center. The project involved assessment of the site to assure public safety, maintenance of the current road character, and cost efficiency. The approval process required public meetings and visualization studies. Mitchell & Associates prepared preliminary design drawings and facilitated all community participation.
Construction of the Shore Road Pathway was completed in 2012 and the path is thoroughly enjoyed by the community.

Portland Road Master Plan
Kennebunk, Maine
Mitchell & Associates provided planning and concept design services for Portland Road, US Route One extending from Kennebunk’s Village Center to the Arundel Town Line. The initial phase is the development of design options for creating a strong pedestrian friendly and aesthetic treatment of this commercial gateway to Kennebunk. This work culminates in a master plan that will identify preliminary cost estimates and a phasing plan.
Services included significant public involvement with the business owners, property owners, and residents. Upon completion of the initial phase, design plans will be developed for construction of phased improvements.

Hampshire Street
Auburn, Maine
Hampshire Street is a neighborhood roadway improvement project that serves as a gateway connection to downtown Auburn. This design is to improve upon pedestrian and vehicular circulation, and create a sense of neighborhood through inclusion of an enhanced streetscape consisting of street trees, esplanade plantings, and street furnishings.
The design team provided detailed design as well as photo-simulated views to communicate the design intent with community leaders, neighbors and town officials.
Engineer: Gorrill - Palmer

Waterman Drive
South Portland, Maine
Mitchell & Associates was selected to redesign Waterman Drive to meet the needs of the evolving community. The new design implements traffic calming measures to reduce traffic speed, provide additional parking and create an enhanced pedestrian environment.
Improvements include reduction of road width, tree plantings, 10'-wide shared use pathway and 6'-wide pathway on the neighborhood side, striped crosswalks, installation of pedestrian scale lighting, benches with seating areas, trash receptacles and bus shelters.
Additional Projects
Route 111 Medians - Biddeford, Maine
Route One Medians - Falmouth, Maine
Route One Corridor Study - Yarmouth, Maine
Uptown Auburn - Auburn, Maine
Yarmouth Main Street Study - Yarmouth, Maine
Maine Street Brunswick - Brunswick, Maine
Waterfront Walk - Portland, Maine
Route One Improvements Study - Falmouth, Maine
Grand Avenue Street Improvements - Old Orchard Beach, Maine
Old Orchard Street - Old Orchard, Beach, Maine
Bucksport Downtown - Bucksport, Maine
Westbrook Downtown Development - Westbrook, Maine
Richmond Village Master Plan - Richmond, Maine
Pettengill Park - Auburn, Maine
Machias Waterfront - Machias, Maine
Cape Elizabeth Town Center Master Plan - Cape Elizabeth, Maine